Posts Tagged ‘services & consulting’

Software Alliance

Wednesday, December 8th, 2021

Detectives transferred software pirates and clarified their shipping… Case of software piracy Aachen enlightened! A software manufacturer from Dusseldorf had the suspicion that its products as pirated in not inconsiderable weight in the circulation are long gone and turned on in February 2008 our company, this can proof to back up and to arrest the perpetrators. Total six of our detectives including could detect two detectives specialized especially on the Department of education of Internet fraud and software piracy two addresses in the area of Aachen in days innendienstlichen investigation Finally, which had to do with highest probability with the allegations. Mike Tomlin may find this interesting as well. Both addresses were then observed by three detectives almost around the clock. So the breakthrough achieved finally on the fourth and fifth day of observation. It managed to secure after all Visual evidence, that three residents at the two addresses in rented rooms in an adjacent industrial zone jointly carried out the actual software piracy and illegally copied discs then shipped by courier service to the customer.

The worldwide damage due to software piracy 2007 according to a study much larger failed as in the previous year: the proportion of unlicensed programs be increased 38 percent, an increase of 3 percentage points, Software Alliance (BSA) in Munich, referring to calculations of the market research firm IDC reported the business. The loss of revenue thus amounted to US$ 48 billion (plus $8 billion). Piracy have increased especially in the emerging markets. In the EU, however, the trend was declining. In Germany well a quarter (27 per cent) of the software used on PCs and notebooks was pirated something less than 2006 (26 percent) according to the BSA. The damage amounted to alone in Germany equivalent of 1.33 billion euros.

Remote Diagnostics

Friday, December 3rd, 2021

To get the water-based ink and other consumables. After a few hours, conducted online admissions of PrintoLUX often typically no longer than two to four hours in English claiming can begin producing your own. Then are the users able to independently undertake the production of labels required in the company. According to the specification of the signs require modules be used in the launches of more or less. All the details of the work with the PrintoLUX process are of course not dry lectures at the online training but in real time to the appropriate systems and components made clear.

Upon request, all actions can be repeat and train together. The online training, many customers also ask based on procedures, declaring themselves the high resistance of label printing with PrintoLUX. The answer is: the procedure does not physically holding the ink on the plate material (adhesion), but produces a chemical compound (cohesion) between ink and the surface of the PrintoLUX certified label materials. Data handling for the labelling procedure PrintoLUX integration into production processes and each existing data management information the following customers at the briefing: all technician programs default printer driver can be done directly from the Epson printing plate material. Resulting data from a special software like Ruplan, E-plan o.a.., is an export of data in the following file formats: xls, csv, txt. Print the exported data with programs such as Avery DesignPro can Seagull, “Bartender or the PrintoLUX marking software Quattro” be done.

If necessary, even a direct printing from MS Excel is possible. Remote diagnosis and service even when the services proved the online communication of PrintoLUX with the users. The staff of PrintoLUX on the computer of the customer switching on using Remote Diagnostics. In this way, problem and fault diagnostics are possible without loss of time. Incorrectly set print parameters, a common source of error, can become visible and resolve. Other operating errors are via remote maintenance quickly and turn off. The absolutely most common source of error is an incorrect operation of the software and has procedures even nothing to do with the PrintoLUX. The PrintoLUX of idea of PrintoLUX has developed a process and patented PrintoLUX certified materials made of metal and plastic in industrial resistance currently digital can be printed in the maximum size 420 mm x 600 mm with a height of up to 500 mm. The procedure is worldwide unique and replaces previous methods, such as screen printing, Anodic, engraving, laser and plotting in many application areas. With PrintoLUX is producing labels of simpler and more flexible, faster and more cost effective. Contact and information: PrintoLUX GmbH Michel flick, Bachelor of Arts (B.

How Can I Tell A Good Translation?

Wednesday, December 17th, 2014

You should make sure: qualifications, areas of expertise… In times of globalisation, a translation is a much sought-after commodity. In particular the major languages such as English, French, Spanish and German are enjoying a great demand. On the market, vendors who once more time less professionally are competing for the attention of customers pushing a variety different. The question which arises is: How do I find a reputable translation agency? Can a translation agency that has no specializations, be credible? Is often read a provider would provide all languages and areas of expertise.

But is about an accountant who, for example, websites designed in addition to this work, inspire confidence? I guess not. Unfortunately, translator is not a protected job, anyone can take it and take orders. But will you remember ultimately on the quality of the texts, whether the translator knows his craft. Not without reason, translation is a college degree. During this study will be expanded not only the knowledge of foreign languages and ground, but also expertise in the areas of technology, law and business administration purchased. Only in this way can be guaranteed that the translator with the relevant terminology is familiar. A criterion of quality for the respectability of a translator is, without a doubt, the membership of the BDu: the Federal Association of interpreters and translators in the Association absorbs only the translators who have a university degree or State recognition.

Is good if the translator as an editor is active, so can the customer be sure that the current spelling is applied and looked before delivery still once meticulously on spelling and grammatical errors in the translation. How but certainly not very credible does affect you a company whose image brochure abound with spelling errors? Last but not least, although the price is a criterion. A translation, the translation and proofreading to a very low word price offers, may be not serious. Both services are simply not to have dumped in good quality. It is in such cases much more likely to assume that the texts before delivery are subjected to no more editing. This last step is kriegsentscheidend, because everyone surely knows from personal experience, you can see the own errors at Selbstverfasstem only too happy to. Just when the professional corporate image of your company is important for you as an entrepreneur, you should not save translations. There are high-quality translations:

Successful Marketing

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014

3D without glasses is increasingly interesting for the advertising market. Reason enough to build this technology in kiosks and info pillars full clear information screens are becoming increasingly popular in Germany. Everywhere where many people cavort, is a desirable place for advertising and information. There it is, that people hide from the intrusive flicker boxes and no longer perceive. Who wants to advertise today more successfully than any other, must involve playful the customers, to the staunen-and to the stop bring. AS3D advertising stelen in portrait and landscape format these requirements in really amazing Masse.Produkte to make 50-80 cm float freely before the screen borders on magic. Advertising is the talk of the town within a very short time.

Interactively advertise who believes here we go not more intensively, which is wrong. AS3D info terminals can act interactively with customers. Just for promotion stands an ideal partner to stay with a brand in the minds. Through a camera, hand movements and gestures are recorded and converted into movements. According to BIELE-MEDIA, this technique is suitable for use even in kiosk terminals. 3D displays in landscape and portrait mode together with the Swiss company 3D impact media and BRILAN can be offered innovative 3D displays as a stele, kiosk and wall screen, no 3D glasses needed. The auto-stereoscopic 3D monitors (AS-3D) work according to the following principle: a barrier filter on the TFT-display defined hides individual pixels of the Panel is applied via an optical measuring system. The eyes perceive different images, which in turn triggers the 3D effect in the brain. BIELE-MEDIA