Archive for April, 2017

Sorption Technology For Treating Industrial And Surfactant

Saturday, April 1st, 2017

Currently, treatment of industrial wastewater using different technologies. The most common is the reactant, in which heavy metal ions (Cr3 +, Ni2 +, Cu2 +, Zn2 +, Cd2 +, Fe3 +, etc.) with an alkaline reagent converted into practically insoluble hydroxides of these metals and are excreted from the water by settling and filtration. As an alkaline reagent introduced into purified stock used soda (soda or caustic) or slaked lime Ca (OH) 2 (lime milk). Reagent technology has several drawbacks. First, the concentration of heavy metal ions and pH value (pH) in wastewater is constantly changing. Technology adjusting the pH rather inertial and can not ensure the timely change of the required dosage of alkaline reagent. This leads to an incomplete transfer of heavy metal ions in their hydroxide and breakthrough of these ions outside treatment facilities in the treated wastewater. Moreover, concentrations of heavy metals during their break-through in the form of ions can be ten times higher than the mpc.

Secondly, when using reagents increases the already high salt content of treated wastewater, which can serve as an additional obstacle for re-using them in technological operations. Translation of heavy metal ions in their hydroxide itself Technology by itself a good way, but implementing it by adding an alkaline reagent, followed by sedimentation and filtration through a conventional sand filters significantly reduces the efficiency and reliability purification. As a rule, treated wastewater reuse can not be due to low quality. The problem of providing high-quality purification of contaminated wastewater must be solved by simplifying flowsheet, constructive design and operation of wastewater treatment plants while improving purity, versatility, reliability and environmental safety technology process as possible, and even fully automate it.