Posts Tagged ‘environment’

Brazilian Art

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

All the families wait this day with the biggest expectation. Nicholas (2009) describes the wax candle of Belm as a procession that: he congregates hundreds of thousand of people, in slow cortejo of four hours, almost enters the five kilometers that separate to the Cathedral Metropolitan of the Basilica of Nazar. This cortejo is the apex of the profane and religious manifestations that happen during fifteen days: the call squares nazarena. In this period one lives a climate of confraternizao and joy. During the accomplishment of this event, the paraense people costuma to commemorate and to homage the padroeira saint with adereos, referring alegorias, clothes and jewels to its image. Therefore, an event with possibility of captation of customers for the developed product. 6.1.INSPIRAO OF the JEWEL the Wax candle of Nazar is a local manifestation with national dimension.

It represents the religious sincretismo of the Brazilian people. The jewel is inspired in the representation of the image of Ns Sr de Nazar, through the creation of pendants, mainly. Soon, the bred jewel is a symbol of thematic faith with regional, whose design is worked in the style Art Dco, the Art Dec is a decorative style of French origin, that has for characteristics the predominance of ' ' estilizadas circular lines straight lines or, the geometric forms and design abstrato.' ' (CULTURAL ITAU, 2007). In the pendant one perceives the traces of Art Dco for the circular format of clouds and in the one for the geometric form of the abstract image. Inside in such a way, the predominant color is blue the transparent one that it sends to the color of the sky, and serves of base for the contour of the saint. The image of Ns Sr de Nazar was chosen because ' ' Ours Mrs. of Nazar is for the fidiciary offices our Mother Mother of God.