Serengeti National Park

February 16th, 2014 by Rosemary
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Plans to build a highway through the Serengeti National Park of Tanzania, will destroy one of the last major African wildlife sanctuaries and the world. In the journal Nature, 27 scientists have asked that I replantee is proposal for 50 kilometers (31 miles) of highway that they say will cause a major environmental disaster. According to the plans approved by the Government of Tanzania earlier this year, the trade route would divide into two the northern part of the Park, which is part of the Arusha Musoma road 170 kilometers in length, which is planned to start from the Tanzanian coast in Lake Victoria by Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Construction is expected to begin in 2012. Naturalist and many scientists warn that passing a road through the Park and the region would be altering patterns of annual migration of tens of thousands of zebras, Gazelles, 1.3 million wildebeest and species under threat. Using simulations by computer the Scientists estimate that if access to the nus to the Mara River in Kenya, blocked their number is reduced to less than 300,000. This would also lead to producrise more fires in grasslands, which would reduce even more the quality of pastures and their minerals, in this way the ecosystem can become a source of carbon dioxide in the environment and in the atmosphere. Scientists say that a different route could be carried out South of the Serengeti, this should be considered to preserve an area of 1,200,000 hectares that are world heritage of UNESCO.This alternative route could use an existing network of gravel roads and only 50 kilometres longer than the route proposed in the North. While they recognize that Tanzania needs better infrastructure to facilitate economic development, they argue that the road could harm wildlife tourism one of the main sources of income for this African country. Original author and source of the article

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