Program Legal Police

March 16th, 2019 by Rosemary
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The Legal Police station eliminated the imprisionaments emanteve only two cells, a feminine masculine and other, destined for spessoas imprisoned in instant that, you move after them legal, are directed paraa Polinter 8. OSetor de Inteligncia Policial (SIP) also is situated in deep the dadelegacia. The activities of this sector are to register and to collect the information to eidentificar the defendants. Aoanalisarmos the reforms infrastructures of the Program Legal Police station, we verify that they influence significantly in the form as estainstituio is perceived. New the aesthetic one is seen to give comfort to the citizen, to seem cleaner and hygienical and better conditions of work to the policemen einsinua the idea of that this new scene produces a new type of relacionamentoentre the proper policemen and between the institution and the public. In what it says respect to the changes carried through in the mbitocultural, these consist of a process of re-education in the way to act to epensar, with hours lessons, meetings and educative lectures of the principles evalores that give sustentation to the new model of police station.

The policemen who fazemparte of the program carry through professionalizing courses offered by the GrupoExecutivo and receive a gratuity of referring R$ the 500,00 fifteen horasmensais of the course. Important Umfator in the Program Legal Police station would be the presence of the Balcony Social deAtendimento, with trainees and Techniques of Social Attendance, that soPsiclogas or Social Assistants, and also in the considered Police stations doInterior, Pedagogas, that duly are trained to receive and to guide oscidados, what it would be exempting the policeman of tasks who nothing has to see eats its functions, thus being able to guarantee a bigger time for the exercise of suasobrigaes. But most important of the changes carried through, according to oex-governor Anthony Garotinho, it is the implementation of technology of informaoem all the works of the police station.

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