The OIML defines Legal Metrologia 2 as the part of the metrologia related to the resultant activities of obligator requirements as for the measurements, units of measure, instruments of measurement and methods of measurement, and the respective metrolgicos controls to be developed for competent organisms. Therefore the Legal Metrologia as the proper name suggests, depends on the establishment of legal requirements in the scope of the metrologia to assure the metrolgica guarantee (the credibility of the results of the measurement). In Brazil, the Conmetro 3, 4 is one of the agencies competent to forward normative acts and regulations technician, in the fields of the Metrologia and the Evaluation of the Conformity of products, process and services, but since that the regulations technician do not constitute object of the ability of other agencies and other entities of the Federal Public Administration. These normative acts still they must consider the content of the norms techniques adopted for the Brazilian Association of Norms Techniques – ABNT, and are related to all the goods commercialized in Brazil, the insumos, end items and services, which must be in compliance with the pertinent regulations technician in vigor. The other agency is the Inmetro 5 with attribution of the elaboration and expedition of regulations technician in the area of Legal Metrologia. Together with conveniados regional agencies it, exerts in the state jurisdictions the activities of Legal Metrologia that understand the legal metrolgico control of the measurement instruments, the supervision and the skill with sights to assure the attendance of the legal requirements in vigor, that is, since that such regulations exist. Considering of its right and point of view of the consumer, the Code of the 6 Consumer forbids offers in the consumption market, of any product or service in disagreement with the norms forwarded for the agencies competent officers and in case that these inexist, for the ones of the ABNT or of another credential entity for the Conmetro. .
Federal Public Administration
November 18th, 2021 by Rosemary
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