Virtual Language

March 23rd, 2014 by Rosemary
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INTRODUCTION In the last times, more constant the technological innovations have been each time in ours day-by-day. In this context, the universe appears of the Internet, that started in 1969, in the United States, with educational intention, where researchers if connected for exchange of information, it saw email, between great laboratories of research. Soon after in 1991 the Word Wibe Web is created, in the Switzerland, that if quickly propagated for which had the whole world its versatility and topographical espacialidade, characteristic of hipertexto, texts connected for links electronic, in which ' ' The electronic writing can in such a way be how much visual a verbal representation, without limits for its desenvolvimento' '. (ARAJO, 2005, apud BOLTER, 2001, P. 36).

This innovation brings obtains each time more adepts, and in way the adequacies and improvements that start to exist in the Internet, appear the sites of relationship, as orkut, facebook, to twitter, MSN, chats, blogs and instantaneous communicators in interaction search, where internautas can interact in real time with an individual of any part of the planet and of dynamic form the simplification of the language in this new writing happens. This new language demands rapidity in its dialogues, thus objectifying to gain time without losing the information, exactly that this runs over the grammatical norms. The Internet already is part of the daily one of millions of people in this virtual universe, where the communication is made by a differentiated language, with abbreviations, as emoticons that they are a sequence of typographical characters, or also, an image, that translates or wants to transmit the state psychological, emotivo, of uses who them, by means of illustrative icons of a face expression. Hiperlink, that inside allows to the easy access between the diverse pages (navigation) and same the fast movement of a long text, and orality in the writing.

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